Since the physical body system is the most complex one, we offer Strategy #2 in the form of 3 separate seminars:
The choice of the right Exercise is the 2nd step towards healing and smart lifestyle.
(Professional) sport, high intensity, low intensity, cardio, aerobics, resistance workouts, dancing, jogging, walking, yoga - there are quite a lot of physical activities that can be followed now-days. However, did you know that NOT all kinds of exercise lead eventually to the natural healing? Did you know that some exercise can be even more harmful than beneficial?
On the other hand, today, along with cardiovascular diseases, obesity, stress and burnout, autoimmune diseases are also linked to
the sedentary lifestyle, lack of movement and wrong choice of workouts.
Although the smart choice of physical activities can even improve biomarkers and reverse aging!
Therefore, after getting the nutritions right, choosing the smart exercise routine is our number one priority. ​
The "Physical Body System - Exercise" SEMINAR:​​​​​
This seminar finds place in a gym in Amsterdam. During this seminar we first will offer a deep understanding of autoimmune disease and aging in relation to exercise and its periodicity. We'll share with you the science of why the immune system dysfunctions on exercise-poor lifestyle causing the body to lose its ability to strengthen and rejuvenate itself. We will look into the individual exercise plans: how the age, origin, current geographical location, body type and condition matter in choosing exercise? Is there really a connection between exercise and healthy weight?
The "Physical Body System - Exercise" WORKSHOP:​
We will run some tests to determine your condition and age markers. You will get your personalized exercise plan to strengthen and rejuvenate the body. Techniques and tips to maintain and sustain your exercise plan will be shared, including the right posture. At the final part of the seminar we will practice a state of being that supports smart exercise and lifestyle.
The "Physical Body System - Exercise" TASKS:
At the end, the list of recommendations will be shared to help implementation of the smart exercise as the new "normal" in daily life.
​​​Our SUPPORT:​
Support is essential in the self-healing process. On Sunday's we will meet at the gym to workout a smart exercise plan, to share personal experiences, to inspire and get inspired by others, and ask all the questions.
The "Physical Body System - Exercise" LONG-TERM PLAN:​​
Developing the new smart exercise routine and discipline for health and longevity.
Q & A's:
We encourage you to ask your questions during the weekly meetings, when there is enough time for every answer.
"From my self-healing experience, I can reassure, that the information, tips and especially our support is absolute GOLD for any natural healing process!
When I started my self-healing journey I didn't have anybody to guide me through. It felt quite lonely and very challenging to stay strong and loyal to the healing on everyday basis: to get the guidance and support like this was a dream!
At that time I was also struggling financially - the potential help that I could find on internet cost thousands of Euros. I could only dream of such guidance and support for only €35 a month!" ​
Yours, Viktoria