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Raw Vegetables

Since the physical body system is the most complex one, we offer Strategy #2 in the form of 3 separate seminars: NUTRITION, EXERCISE, and RELAXATION

The #2 Strategy:


Food is Medicine.

The choice of Nutrition-rich diet is the 2nd step towards healing and smart lifestyle.

​For millions of years, food was our ancestors' cure for starvation. It's only in the last ±50 years that food has evolved into the epitome of decadent excess, serving our recently developed cravings for addictive additives like sugar, chemical flavors, and trans fats.  So, our diet went from healing to harmful. Next to the cardiovascular diseases and obesity, today also autoimmune conditions are linked to nutrition-poor diet and reasons of aging


After healing the cells, choosing the right nutrition-rich diet is our number one priority. ​



The "Physical Body System - Nutrition" SEMINAR (WEBINAR):​​​​​

During this seminar we first will offer a deep understanding of autoimmune disease and aging, when it comes to nutrition and hydration.

We'll share with you the science of why the immune system dysfunctions on nutrition-poor diet causing the body to lose its ability to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate itself. We will look into the individual nutrition plans: from Ketogenic to modified Paleo, from Mediterranean to Vegan and Vegetarian. What type are you? Healthy weight. The science of (intermittent) Fasting. What can supplements do and what not? What food is anti-aging?



The "Physical Body System - Nutrition" WORKSHOP:​

Techniques, methods and tips to sustain nutrition-rich diet will be shared, as well as list of nutritions responsible for restoration and rejuvenation. 



The "Physical Body System - Nutrition" TASKS:

At the end, the list of the products and recipes will be shared, and do's & dont's for the coming month, that will help to implement the 2nd step of the Program.



​​​Our SUPPORT:​

Support is essential in a self-healing process. During the NUTRITION month our weekly meetings will be on Saturdays (instead of Sundays) due to the opening day of the organic market in Amsterdam. On 8, 15 & 22 of February we will meet at 10:00 at Noordermarkt to get the best healing foods together, have a cup of herbal tea, share recipes, personal experiences, to inspire and get inspired by others, ask all the questions, and get peer support. 



The "Physical Body System - Nutrition" LONG-TERM PLAN:​​

Developing new 'cravings' for health and longevity products. Adapting healthy eating patters. Learning to be your own nutritionist.   


Q & A's:

We encourage you to ask your questions during the weekly meetings, when there is enough time for every answer.


"From my self-healing experience, I can reassure, that the information, tips and especially our support is absolute GOLD for any natural healing process!


When I started my self-healing journey I didn't have anybody to guide me through. It felt quite lonely and very challenging to stay strong and loyal to the healing on everyday basis: to get the guidance and support like this was a dream!

At that time I was also struggling financially - the potential help that I could find on internet cost thousands of Euros. I could only dream of such guidance and support for only €35 a month!" ​


Yours, Viktoria

Viktoria Kova
Vegan Bowl
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