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AWAKEN the Sacred FOOL

Did you know that playfulness is one of the fundamental human needs?



Although, paradoxically, the ability to play, imagine and visualize is a sign of psychological health and mental maturity, some of us are so uptight that free self-expression (= courage to be yourself) becomes a challenge. While authentic self-expression is fundamental to healing and self-development.    Therefore, we organize the "AWAKEN the SACRED FOOL" sessions to loosen up, and open up the flow of fun-creative energy.      The Sacred Fool is the archetype of playfulness, spontaneity, creativity, arts, amusement, humor in difficult situations, and the courage to speak the truth.  In taro, the Fool is the agent of change, transformation, the new beginning: the Fool is ready to jump off the cliff, symbolizing the unwavering trust in universe to step out of the comfort zone into the unknown. This journey is the psychological rebirth into a new, transformed self. In the end it is the journey that matters not the end.     Many of us suffer from the absence of the Fool in our lives. Chasing righteousness, we take ourselves too seriously.Wisdom doesn’t make life happier the way laughter and play do. For some, being able to laugh at yourself will already mean healing.

AWAKEN the SACRED FOOL session consists from:


  • storytelling; 

  • guided ecstatic singing, dancing, playing, laughing; 

  • letting go of the Wiseman; 

  • removing the resistance blockages; 

  • Fool's surrender; 

  • reunification with the inner Fool; 

  • author's practices and unique techniques; 

  • save space.

What a release of
tension & emotions!

Inner Freedom is Fun!


This session can be taken as often as you wish - the art of authentic self-expression is a skill that wants to be trained and maintained.  


*If this session feels challenging for you, you may choose to stay anonymous by wearing a mask. 

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